Doctors of Natural Medicine

Medical Marijuana for Elderly: In Which Problems Will It Help

Medical Marijuana for Elderly: In Which Problems Will It Help

medical marijuana benefits for elderly

Becoming an older adult is one of those events in life that is unavoidable. Unfortunately, one thing that plagues the elderly population is that you may not age gracefully. 

Reaching the third part of life also comes with lots of health issues that you don’t typically plan on such as bone loss, sleeping disorders, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.

That does not mean that you cannot enjoy your golden years as peacefully as you may have in your earlier stages in life.

Navigating this uncharted territory may lead to some elderly people seeking out additional remedies when it comes to searching for relief. For many who have reached their sixties or older, this has meant exploring the possible benefits of medical marijuana for the elderly.


Aging can be a scary time in a person’s life as there are many types of physical changes that take place which can affect your mood, dexterity, strength, and mental capacity. 

According to the Journal of American Medical Association, more than 4 percent of patients in the retirement age category have either spoken with or asked their physicians about the use of medical cannabis or CBD products.

Medical marijuana benefits for the elderly include help with many of the same issues that the rest of us face such as:

  • Balanced sleep
  • Improved appetite
  • Pain reduction
  • Relief from depression
  • Arthritis pain

Research also shows that marijuana has been effective in reducing symptoms in illnesses that elderly are more genetically prone to, like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and glaucoma. 

benefits of medical marijuana for elderly

What are the Best Ways for Elderly People to Take Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana comes in many forms and routes of  the best method of use is based on an examination from your healthcare provider and your specific medical history  

However, with medical marijuana for the elderly, there are several types of avenues to be considered when deciding what is more beneficial to the elderly generation. 

Many physicians have stated that their patients aged fifty and over have reported an increase in benefits from ingesting via the following routes.

  • Topical creams
  • Sprays 
  • Edible products

What are the Possible Side Effects of Marijuana Usage in the Elderly?

As with any types of medications and homeopathic remedies, side effects can and do exist at times. 

However, with years of clinical and medical studies, the most noted possible adverse reactions came from patients who used medical marijuana while taking other prescriptions. The most noted came from medications such as those that treat the following conditions:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures

Two of the most dominant side effects have been noted as high blood pressure and dizziness. 

medical marijuana for elderly

Is Medical Marijuana Usage in the Elderly Safe?

A research summary by UC Davis acknowledges that there hasn’t been enough studies done to declare medical marijuana usage in the elderly unsafe.  Again, it is always important to discuss potential side effects from medical contraindication with your physician or pharmacist. 

Can Medical Marijuana Affect the Aging Process in the Elderly?

No, medical marijuana does not negatively affect the aging process in adults who are turning elderly. In fact, there is more evidence to support that the reverse is true. 

According to Scientific American, observing the aged brain after a period of medical marijuana usage showed that they had experienced improved functioning when it came to memory.

Memory loss is one of the first indicators of cognitive impairment that may occur at the progression of certain disorders like:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Brain Injuries
  • Parkinson’s

More than sixteen million individuals over the age of sixty suffer from memory loss and those numbers will increase over time. 

Conclusion about medical marijuana for elderly

Medical marijuana drastically improves the severity of the problems that the elder generation must endure.

There are many benefits when it comes to medical marijuana in the elderly. A trained medical professional can assist you with discovering whether medical marijuana may improve your situation.

If you are considering using medical marijuana or CBD products, and would like to speak with a qualified natural health physician, you can book an appointment.

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Author: J.P. Carrol

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