Doctors of Natural Medicine

Medical Marijuana for Sleep – Does it Help?

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Sleep is crucial for preserving mental and physical wellness, yet many adults struggle to get enough. According to the American Sleep Association, 50 to 70 million individuals in the United States have sleep disorder indicators. Each year, roughly 40 million Americans have trouble sleeping, with 10 to 15 percent struggling with chronic insomnia. Given the prevalence of sleeping disorders, a particular interest in one contentious treatment, medical marijuana for sleep, has increased. Marijuana can be an efficient treatment for various sleeping issues with minimal or no adverse effects.
best marijuana for sleep

How does Marijuana help with sleep?

Despite medical treatment and psychotherapy improvements, insomnia, and sleep problems remain a major burden on society. The use of medical marijuana for sleep disorders is becoming more and more popular.

Wake, N1, N2, N3, and REM are the first five phases of sleep. Non-rapid eye movement or NREM sleep is defined as stages N1 through N3, with every phase resulting in a progressively more profound slumber.

Marijuana and sleep

Consumers frequently mention utilizing marijuana for many ailments when taking it medically or recreationally. They may be taking cannabis as a primary treatment for a sleep issue or a secondary treatment for a physical or mental illness.

CBD, the next most prevalent cannabinoid in marijuana, affects sleep latency in two ways. CBD may have a stimulating impact at lower doses and more of a sedating effect at greater concentrations. It can lengthen total sleep time and reduce the number of nighttime awakenings.

Benefits and risks of using marijuana For sleeping

The balance between marijuana and sleep can be difficult to maintain. Cannabis may hasten one’s capacity to fall asleep if used briefly. Due to the possibility that cannabis could hurt the quality of sleep and result in other adverse reactions, health professionals typically discourage the use of sleep medications, including marijuana, continuously.

According to studies, those who use marijuana for sleep regularly may become tolerant to its soothing effects and require higher doses to achieve the same benefits.

However, because THC interacts with the CB1 receptors, it has been associated with falling asleep easier and for longer. And when used at higher doses, a link has been drawn with CBD and waking up less.

Potential sleep problems addressed by medical marijuana

Below is a list of the sleep problems addressed by medical marijuana.
  • Among the most common causes of asking experts about marijuana is insomnia. While many claim that cannabis helps them sleep better, research has yielded conflicting findings.
  • Cannabis can help those with restless legs syndrome. Due to reports from some users that their symptoms significantly improved after taking marijuana, investigators still believe marijuana can potentially treat this sleep problem.
  • Cannabis may help those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Experts have advised against using marijuana to treat it as there is not enough proof that cannabis is safe and helpful for persons with OSA.

Medical Marijuana Strains Good for sleep

Indica may be considered the best marijuana for sleep due to its calming properties. However, sativa may be the best marijuana strain for sleep for those who use marijuana to prevent nightmares. Depending on the precise composition of cannabinoids and other chemicals, hybrid strains containing a combination of indica and sativa may generate various effects.

Final Thoughts

Though there are claims that marijuana helps improve sleep quality, it is still best to consult a doctor. It is important to understand the full context before using marijuana for sleeping.


Can medical marijuana help with sleep issues?

Yes, medical marijuana has been found to help with sleep problems for some individuals. Certain strains of marijuana contain compounds such as THC and CBD, which have sedative properties that can promote relaxation and aid in falling asleep.

How does medical marijuana help with sleep?

Medical marijuana interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body, which plays a role in regulating sleep patterns. The compounds in marijuana can help reduce anxiety, relieve pain, and induce drowsiness, thus improving the quality and duration of sleep for some individuals.

Author: J.P. Carrol

J.P. is an accomplished writer with a lifelong passion for a range of subjects, including medical marijuana. As lead copywriter at, he writes daily for an audience of 100k+ and is deeply committed to helping businesses achieve their full potential with his guidance and expertise.